3.5 Optional application 3 – discrete mathematics

3.5.1 DA: Graphs


Understand and use the language of graphs including: vertex, edge, trail, cycle, connected, degree, subgraph, subdivision, multiple edge and loop.


Identify or prove properties of a graph including that a graph is Eulerian,

semi-Eulerian or Hamiltonian.


Understand and use Euler’s formula for connected planar graphs.

DA4Use Kuratowski’s Theorem to determine the planarity of graphs.

Understand and use complete graphs and bipartite graphs, including adjacency matrices and the complement of a graph.


Understand and use simple graphs, simple-connected graphs and trees.


Recognise and find isomorphism between graphs.

3.5.2 DB: Networks


Understand and use the language of networks including: node, arc and weight.


Solve network optimisation problems using spanning trees.


Solve route inspection problems.


Find and interpret upper bounds and lower bounds for the travelling salesperson problem.


Evaluate, modify and refine models which use networks.

3.5.3 DC: Network flows

DC1Interpret flow problems represented by a network of directed arcs.
DC2Find the value of a cut and understand its meaning.
DC3Use and interpret the maximum flow-minimum cut theorem.
DC4Introduce supersources and supersinks to a network.
DC5Augment flows and determine the maximum flow in a network
DC6Solve problems involving arcs with upper and lower capacities.

3.5.4 DD: Linear programming

DD1Formulate constrained optimisation problems.

Solve constrained optimisation problems via graphical methods.

DD3Use the Simplex algorithm for optimising (maximising and minimising) an objective function including the use of slack variables.
DD4Interpret a Simplex tableau.

3.5.5 DE: Critical path analysis


Construct, represent and interpret a precedence (activity) network using



Determine earliest and latest start and finish times for an activity network.


Identify critical activities, critical paths and the float of non-critical activities.


Refine models and understand the implications of possible changes in the context of critical path analysis.

DE5Construct and interpret Gantt (cascade) diagrams and resource histograms.
DE6Carry out resource levelling (using heuristic procedures) and solve problems where resources are restricted.

3.5.6 DF: Game theory for zero-sum games


Understand, interpret and construct pay-off matrices.


Find play-safe strategies and the value of the game.


Prove the existence or non-existence of a stable solution.


Identify and make use of dominated strategies.


Find optimal mixed strategies for a game including use of graphical methods.

DF6Convert and solve higher order games to linear programming problems.

3.5.7 DG: Binary operations


Understand and use binary operations including use of modular arithmetic and matrix multiplication.


Understand, use and prove the commutativity of a binary operation.


Understand, use and prove the associativity of a binary operation.


Construct a Cayley table for a given set under a given binary operation.

DG5Understand and prove the existence of an identity element for a given set under a given binary operation.
DG6Find the inverse of an element belonging to a given set under a given binary operation.

Understand and use the language of groups including: order, period, subgroup, proper, trivial, non-trivial.

DG8Understand and use the group axioms: closure, identity, inverses and associativity, including use of Cayley tables.
DG9Recognise and use finite and infinite groups and their subgroups, including: groups of symmetries of regular polygons, cyclic groups and abelian groups.
DG10Understand and use Lagrange’s theorem.
DG11Identify and use the generators of a group.
DG12Recognise and find isomorphism between groups of finite order.