2.0 Specification at a glance

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessment at the end of the course.

2.1 Subject content

Core content

2.2 Assessments

Students must complete all three components.

Component 1: Appraising music

What's assessed

  • Listening
  • Analysis
  • Contextual understanding

How it's assessed

  • Exam paper with listening and written questions using excerpts of music.


  • Section A: Listening (56 marks)
  • Section B: Analysis (34 marks)
  • Section C: Essay (30 marks)

This component is 40% of A-level marks (120 marks).

Component 2: Performance

What's assessed

Music performance

How it's assessed

Solo and/or ensemble performing as an instrumentalist, or vocalist and/or music production (via technology).


A minimum of ten minutes of performance in total is required .

This component is 35% of A-level marks (50 marks).

Non-exam assessment (NEA) will be externally marked by AQA examiners. Work must be completed between 1 March and the specified date given at aqa.org.uk/keydates

Work must be sent by post/uploaded to AQA by the specified date given at aqa.org.uk/keydates

Component 3: Composition

What's assessed


How it's assessed

  • Composition 1: Composition to a brief (25 marks)
  • Composition 2: Free composition (25 marks)


A minimum of four and a half minutes of music in total is required.

This component is worth 25% of A-level marks (50 marks).

NEA will be externally marked by AQA examiners. Work must be completed and sent by post/uploaded to AQA by the specified date given at aqa.org.uk/keydates .