3.5 Research topic

Students will choose one of the research topics below and must cover all the bullet points in their research:

3.5.1 The role of women in Panjabi society

  • The changing role of women in society
  • The role of women in the family
  • The impact of working women on Panjabi society

3.5.2 Social issues in the Punjab

  • Crime and its consequences for individuals and society
  • Impact of poverty on society
  • Solutions to social problems

3.5.3 Tourism in the Punjab

  • The development of a tourist infrastructure
  • Popular tourist sites/places of interest
  • Regional gastronomy

3.5.4 Partition of the Punjab in 1947

  • Background to the Partition
  • Events of the Partition
  • Impact of Partition on modern society

To prepare for the research project students must select relevant information in Panjabi from a range of sources including the internet. The aim of the research project is to develop research skills and students will demonstrate their ability to initiate and conduct individual research by analysing and summarising their findings in the research project essay on Paper 1.