Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
What's assessed
Applied anatomy and physiology
Movement analysis
Physical training
Use of data
How it's assessed
Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes
78 marks
30% of GCSE
Answer all questions.
A mixture of multiple choice/objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions.
Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport
What's assessed
Sports psychology
Socio-cultural influences
Health, fitness and well-being
Use of data
How it's assessed
Written exam: 1 hour 15 minutes
78 marks
30% of GCSE
Answer all questions.
A mixture of multiple choice/objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions.
Non-exam assessment: Practical performance in physical activity and sport
What's assessed
Practical performance in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer (one in a team activity, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team or in an individual activity).
Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity.
How it's assessed
Assessed by teachers
Moderated by AQA
100 marks
40% of GCSE
For each of their three activities, students will be assessed in skills in progressive drills (10 marks per activity) and in the full context (15 marks per activity).
Students will be assessed on their analysis (15 marks) and evaluation (10 marks) of performance to bring about improvement in one activity.