2.0 Specification at a glance

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all the AS exams at the end of their AS course and all the A-level exams at the end of their A-level course.

Subject content


Paper 1: Introductory Topics in Psychology

What's assessed

Compulsory content 1–3 above


  • written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 72 marks in total
  • 50% of AS


Section A: multiple choice, short answer and extended writing, 24 marks

Section B: multiple choice, short answer and extended writing, 24 marks

Section C: multiple choice, short answer and extended writing, 24 marks

Paper 2: Psychology in Context

What's assessed

Compulsory content 4–6 above


  • written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 72 marks in total
  • 50% of AS


Section A: multiple choice, short answer and extended writing, 24 marks

Section B: multiple choice, short answer and extended writing, 24 marks

Section C: multiple choice, short answer and extended writing, 24 marks