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GCSE Maths and English Language: get resit ready

Find the support and resources you need for post-16 resits

Your free one-stop shop for English and Maths resits

You're working hard and we're here to help – we've curated everything you need to get your English and maths learners resit ready. This free page is for all teachers – whether you teach with us or not, you're welcome here.​

Save time searching for the right resources and quickly pop here instead, where you'll easily access the English and maths resources your learners need. Our experts spoke to teachers like you and carefully created this page, full of high-quality ready to use resources tailored for your resit learners. So what're you waiting for? Have an explore and take what you like.​

Find out how learners performed in the 2023 November exams: virtual sessions

Help your learners progress with valuable insights in to where students who sat the November series did well and their areas for improvement. We’ll look at example responses and key aspects of the assessments to help you develop classroom strategies and next steps. Join our on-demand and online events:

Training events

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Stretching from grade 3 to 4

Find practical classroom approaches to help with your confidence, knowledge and expertise to improve your students' ability.

Supporting student exam prep

This course aims to strengthen teacher confidence in supporting students preparing for exams.

GCSE English Language

Discover your ready to use teaching guides, reading resources, schemes of work and much more.

GCSE Maths

Explore our one-year route map with 30 weeks of supporting resources, basic skills questions, revision checklists and more.

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