4.0 Subject content

This specification is presented in a two column format. The left hand column contains the specification content that all students must cover, and that can be assessed in the written papers. The right hand column exemplifies some key opportunities for the following skills to be developed: WS refers to Working scientifically , MS refers to Mathematical requirements and AT refers to Use of apparatus and techniques . These are not the only opportunities. Teachers are encouraged to introduce all of these skills where appropriate throughout the course.

Each topic begins with an overview. The overview puts the topic into a broader context and is intended to encourage an overarching approach to both the teaching and learning of each of the topic areas. It is not directly assessed. Any assessable content in this overview is replicated in the left hand column.

Most of the content is common with and co-teachable with GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy. Content that is only applicable to biology is indicated by (biology only) either next to the topic heading where it applies to the whole topic or immediately preceding each paragraph or bullet point as applicable. Content that is only applicable to higher tier is indicated by (HT only) either next to the topic heading where it applies to the whole topic or immediately preceding each paragraph or bullet point as applicable.

It is good practice to teach and develop all of the mathematical skills throughout the course. Some mathematical skills will only be assessed in certain subject areas. These are detailed in Mathematical requirements .

Science is a practical subject. Details of the assessment of required practicals can be found in Practical assessment .

Working scientifically and Use of apparatus and techniques skills will be assessed across all papers.

Fundamental biological concepts and principles

Students should have a basic understanding of the following biological principles and be able to apply them in either paper:

Students should be able to recall and use this knowledge in questions that link different areas of the specification to develop coherent arguments and explanations.