8.0 Practical assessment

Practical work is at the heart of biology, so we have placed it at the heart of this specification.

There are three interconnected, but separate reasons for doing practical work in schools. They are:

  1. To support and consolidate scientific concepts (knowledge and understanding).

    This is done by applying and developing what is known and understood of abstract ideas and models. Through practical work we are able to make sense of new information and observations, and provide insights into the development of scientific thinking.

  2. To develop investigative skills. These transferable skills include:
    • devising and investigating testable questions
    • identifying and controlling variables
    • analysing, interpreting and evaluating data.
  3. To build and master practical skills such as:
    • using specialist equipment to take measurements
    • handling and manipulating equipment with confidence and fluency
    • recognising hazards and planning how to minimise risk.

By focusing on the reasons for carrying out a particular practical, teachers will help their students understand the subject better, to develop the skills of a scientist and to master the manipulative skills required for further study or jobs in STEM subjects.

Questions in the written exams will draw on the knowledge and understanding students have gained by carrying out the practical activities listed below. These questions will count for at least 15% of the overall marks for the qualification. Many of our questions will also focus on investigative skills and how well students can apply what they know to practical situations often in novel contexts.

The practical handbook will help teachers plan purposeful practical work that develops both practical and investigative skills and encourages the thinking behind the doing so that they can reach their potential.

Teachers are encouraged to further develop students’ abilities by providing other opportunities for practical work throughout the course. Opportunities are signposted in the right hand column of the content section of this specification for further skills development.

Our biology scheme of work will provide ideas and suggestions for good practical activities that are manageable with large classes.

8.1 Use of apparatus and techniques

All students are expected to have carried out the required practical activities in Required practical activities .

The following list includes opportunities for choice and use of appropriate laboratory apparatus for a variety of experimental problem-solving and/or enquiry-based activities.

Safety is an overriding requirement for all practical work. Schools and colleges are responsible for ensuring that appropriate safety procedures are followed whenever their students undertake practical work, and should undertake full risk assessments.

Use and production of appropriate scientific diagrams to set up and record apparatus and procedures used in practical work is common to all science subjects and should be included wherever appropriate.

AT 1‒7 are common with combined science. AT 8 is biology only.

Apparatus and techniques
AT 1Use of appropriate apparatus to make and record a range of measurements accurately, including length, area, mass, time, temperature, volume of liquids and gases, and pH (links to A-level AT a).
AT 2Safe use of appropriate heating devices and techniques including use of a Bunsen burner and a water bath or electric heater (links to A-level AT a).
AT 3Use of appropriate apparatus and techniques for the observation and measurement of biological changes and/or processes.
AT 4Safe and ethical use of living organisms (plants or animals) to measure physiological functions and responses to the environment (links to A-level AT h).
AT 5Measurement of rates of reaction by a variety of methods including production of gas, uptake of water and colour change of indicator.
AT 6Application of appropriate sampling techniques to investigate the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem via direct use in the field (links to A-level AT k).
AT 7Use of appropriate apparatus, techniques and magnification, including microscopes, to make observations of biological specimens and produce labelled scientific drawings (links to A-level AT d and e).

AT 8

(Biology only)

Use of appropriate techniques and qualitative reagents to identify biological molecules and processes in more complex and problem-solving contexts including continuous sampling in an investigation (links to A-level AT f).

8.2 Required practical activities

The following practical activities must be carried out by all students taking GCSE Biology.

Following any revision by the Secretary of State of the apparatus or techniques specified, we will review and revise the required practical activities as appropriate.

Schools and colleges will be informed of any changes in a timely manner and the amended specification will be published, highlighting the changes accordingly.

Teachers are encouraged to vary their approach to these practical activities. Some are more suitable for highly structured approaches that develop key techniques while others allow opportunities for students to develop investigative approaches.

This list is not designed to limit the practical activities carried out by students. A rich practical experience will include more than the ten required practical activities. The explicit teaching of practical skills will build students’ competence. Many teachers will also use practical approaches to introduce content knowledge in the course of their normal teaching.

Schools and colleges are required to provide a practical science statement to AQA, that is true and accurate written statement, which confirms that it has taken reasonable steps to secure that each student has:
  • completed the required practical activities detailed in this specification
  • made a contemporaneous record of such work undertaken during the activities and the knowledge, skills and understanding derived from those activities.

We will provide a form for the head of centre to sign. You must submit the form to us by the date published at aqa.org.uk/science . We will contact schools and colleges directly with the deadline date and timely reminders if the form is not received. Failure to send this form counts as malpractice/maladministration, and may result in formal action or warning for the school or college

Practicals 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are common with GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy and GCSE Combined Science: Synergy. Practicals 2, 8 and 10 are GCSE Biology only.

8.2.1 Required practical activity 1

Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells.

A magnification scale must be included.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.

AT 7 – use a microscope to make observations of biological specimens and produce labelled scientific drawings.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

MS 1d, 3a – use estimations to judge the relative size or area of sub-cellular structures.

8.2.2 Required practical activity 2 (biology only)

Investigate the effect of antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth using agar plates and measuring zones of inhibition.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.

AT 3 – use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of bacterial growth.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of bacteria to measure physiological function and response to antibiotics and antiseptics in the environment.

AT 8 – the use of appropriate techniques and qualitative reagents in problem-solving contexts to find the best antibiotic to use or the best concentration of antiseptic to use.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.1 – develop hypotheses about the effectiveness of the antibiotics or antiseptics to be used.

WS 2.2 – plan experiments to make observations, test hypotheses and explore phenomena.

WS 2.4 – have due regard for accuracy of measurements, and health and safety when using bacterial cultures.

MS 5c – calculate cross-sectional areas of bacterial cultures and clear agar jelly using πr2 .

8.2.3 Required practical activity 3

Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record mass and time.

AT 3 – use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of osmosis.

AT 5 – measure the rate of osmosis by water uptake.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.1 – use the theory of osmosis to create hypotheses on plant tissue.

WS 2.2 – plan experiments to test hypotheses.

WS 2.4 – have due regard for accuracy of measurements and health and safety.

WS 2.6 – make and record observations and measurements of mass.

WS 2.7 – evaluate the method and suggest possible improvements and further investigations.

WS 3.1 – present observations and other data in graphical form.

WS 3.2 – translate mass data into graphical form.

MS 1a, 1c – use simple compound measures of rate of water uptake.

MS 1c – use percentiles and calculate percentage gain and loss of mass of plant tissue.

MS 2b – find mean mass of plant tissue.

MS 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d – plot, draw and interpret appropriate graphs.

8.2.4 Required practical activity 4

Use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

To include: Benedict’s test for sugars; iodine test for starch; and Biuret reagent for protein.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 2 – safe use of a Bunsen burner and a boiling water bath.

AT 8 – use of qualitative reagents to identify biological molecules.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.4 – carry out experiments appropriately having due regard for the correct manipulation of apparatus, and health and safety considerations.

8.2.5 Required practical activity 5

Investigate the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of amylase enzyme.

Students should use a continuous sampling technique to determine the time taken to completely digest a starch solution at a range of pH values. Iodine reagent is to be used to test for starch every 30 seconds. Temperature must be controlled by use of a water bath or electric heater.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record the volumes of liquids, time and pH.

AT 2 – safe use of a water bath or electric heater.

AT 5 – measure the rate of reaction by the colour change of iodine indicator.

AT 8 – use of qualitative iodine reagent to identify starch by continuous sampling.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.1 – use scientific theories and explanations and hypothesis on how pH affects amylase activity.

WS 2.4 – carry out experiments appropriately having due regard for the correct manipulation of apparatus, the accuracy of measurements, and health and safety.

WS 2.5 – describe the appropriate sampling technique to ensure samples are representative.

WS 2.6 – make and record observations and measurements of time.

WS 3.1 – present a graph of amylase activity against pH.

WS 3.2 – translate numeric data into graphical form.

MS 1a, 1c – carry out rate calculations for chemical reactions.

8.2.6 Required practical activity 6

Investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic organism such as pondweed.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record the rate of production of oxygen gas produced; and to measure and control the temperature of water in a large beaker that acts as a 'heat shield'.

AT 2 – use a thermometer to measure and control temperature of water bath.

AT 3 – use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of oxygen gas production.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use and disposal of living pondweed to measure physiological functions and responses to light.

AT 5 – measuring rate of reaction by oxygen gas production.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.1 – use scientific theories and explanations to develop hypotheses on how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis.

WS 2.2 – plan experiments to test hypotheses.

WS 2.5 – recognise that multiple samples will be needed at each light intensity.

WS 2.6 – make and record observations of gas production.

WS 3.1 – present a graph of light intensity against rate of photosynthesis.

WS 3.2 – translate numeric data into graphical form.

MS 1a, 1c – measure and understand the rate of photosynthesis reactions.

MS 4a, 4c – plot and draw appropriate graphs of rate of photosynthesis against light intensity selecting appropriate scale for axes.

MS 3a, 3d (HT) – understand and use inverse proportion: the inverse square law and light intensity in the context of photosynthesis.

8.2.7 Required practical activity 7

Plan and carry out an investigation into the effect of a factor on human reaction time.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record time.

AT 3 – selecting appropriate apparatus and techniques to measure the process of reaction time.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of humans to measure physiological function of reaction time and responses to a chosen factor.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

MS 4a – translate information between numerical and graphical forms.

8.2.8 Required practical activity 8 (biology only)

Investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of newly germinated seedlings.

Record results both as length measurements and as accurate, labelled biological drawings to show the effects.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and time.

AT 3 – selecting appropriate apparatus and techniques to measure the growth of shoots or roots.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of plants to measure physiological function of growth in response to light or gravity.

AT 7 – observations of biological specimens to produce labelled scientific drawings.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.2 – plan experiments to make observations to explore the phenomena of plant responses.

WS 2.3 – apply knowledge of a range of techniques, apparatus and materials appropriate to the experiment.

WS 2.6 – make and record observations and measurements using length and biological drawings.

WS 2.7 – suggest improvements and further investigations.

WS 3.1 – present observations as tables, graphs or drawings.

8.2.9 Required practical activity 9

Measure the population size of a common species in a habitat.

Use sampling techniques to investigate the effect of a factor on the distribution of this species.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record length and area.

AT 3 – use transect lines and quadrats to measure distribution of a species.

AT 4 – safe and ethical use of organisms and response to a factor in the environment.

AT 6 – application of appropriate sampling techniques to investigate the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem via direct use in the field.

AT 8 – use of appropriate techniques in more complex contexts including continuous sampling in an investigation.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.1 – develop hypotheses regarding distribution of a species as a consequence of a factor.

WS 2.2 – plan experiments to test hypotheses on distribution.

WS 2.3 – apply a range of techniques, including the use of transects and quadrats, and the measurement of an abiotic factor.

MS 1d, 3a – estimates of population size based on sampling.

MS 2b – calculate arithmetic means.

MS 2d – understand principles of sampling.

MS 2f – understand the terms mean, mode and median as applied to ecological data.

MS 4c – plot and draw appropriate graphs selecting appropriate scales for the axes.

8.2.10 Required practical activity 10 (biology only)

Investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of decay of fresh milk by measuring pH change.

Apparatus and techniques

In doing this practical students should cover these parts of the Apparatus and Techniques requirements.

AT 1 – use appropriate apparatus to record temperature and pH.

AT 3 – the use of appropriate apparatus to measure anaerobic decay.

AT 4 – safe use of microorganisms.

AT 5 – measurement of rate of decay by pH change.

Key opportunities for skills development

In doing this practical there are key opportunities for students to develop the following skills.

WS 2.1 – use scientific theories to make a hypothesis about the effect of temperature on rate of decay.

WS 2.4 – carry out experiments with due regard for the correct manipulation of apparatus, the accuracy of measurements and health and safety considerations.

WS 2.6 – make and record observations and measurements.

WS 2.7 – evaluate method and identify possible improvements.

MS 1c – calculate rate changes in the decay of biological material.

MS 4a – translate information between numerical and graphical form.

MS 4c – plot and draw appropriate graphs selecting appropriate scales for the axes.