GCSE Dance Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016
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Non-exam assessment (NEA) for summer 2025
NEA work samples for this subject are now submitted online using Centre Marks Submission on Centre Services. Read the guidance on submitting NEA.
The subject content details the knowledge , understanding and skills that students are expected to learn during the course of study. This is set out below in three core areas of dance: performance, choreography and appreciation.
The GCSE Dance Anthology
The GCSE Dance Anthology underpins learning across each of the three core areas.
The anthology's mix of artistic, cultural and aesthetically diverse works, has been selected to broaden students' knowledge and understanding of the wide range of dance choreographed and performed in the United Kingdom today.
The anthology consists of six short professional dance works each between 12 and 30 minutes duration. There is a filmed interview with the choreographer or company associate, which explores the choreographic approach of the choreographer and the defining characteristics of each work. Students must study all six works.
Together the six works include:Study of the works can inspire students to develop their own performance, creative and choreographic practice, at the same time as the knowledge, understanding and analytical skills required for critical appreciation.
The anthology should be used as an effective way to support the integration of theory and practice. The GCSE Dance Anthology, with details of all six professional works, including films of each performance and interviews with the choreographer or company associate, is available at aqa.org.uk/dance