Our picks for you


Your guide to digital exams

In this digital world we all use technology to work, live, learn and play. From 2026, GCSE and A-level exams will start to catch up.

Inside Assessment: What makes good assessment?

Watch our video series, where we give you an overview of assessment principles that apply across all subjects.

SLT insights webinars

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Our resources


We've updated our resources, based on your feedback. At every stage of the learning journey, you'll know what to plan, teach and assess and how to bring it to life for your learners.

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Exampro question bank


Find past paper questions so you can make customised assessments for revision, homework and topic tests for GCSE, AS and A-level.

Approved textbooks

Approved textbooks

Textbooks with the 'AQA approved' badge means our subject experts have checked that it provides the right support for our specifications.

Training and community

Professional development

Professional development

We offer a range of free training courses and events. Get support when you need it and however it suits you – whether that’s online or in your school.
Inside Assessment
Discover what makes good assessment and build your assessment literacy to bring out the best in your students.
Curriculum Connect
Join our sessions and connect with our community of teachers, meet our subject experts and share advice and ideas.


Get access to all the centre-specific services you’ll need as a teacher or exams officer running our general qualifications.
Use our online tools to dig deeper into your results and see how your school, subject, class and individual students have performed.
Find information and resources to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.

SLT insights


Bringing you the latest news, training and events to help you in your senior leadership team (SLT) role.

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Research and expertise



Explore our online hub where we curate and share ideas on assessment and qualifications.
AQA Assessment Research and Innovation

AQA Assessment Research and Innovation

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