Enhanced Results Analysis (ERA)

Use our online ERA tools on Centre Services to dig deeper into your results and see how your school, subject, class and individual students have performed.

Log in to ERA

To use the ERA tools in Centre Services, you will need to:

  1. Log in to Centre Services
  2. Go to the Post-exams tab in the menu
  3. Then select Results.

If you’re logging into Centre Services for the first time, you’ll need to register for a Centre Services account.

If you’ve forgotten your password, find out how to create a new password.

What you can do on results days

From 8am on results days, you can:

Download results

This feature allows you to create customised, insightful results reports to support results and post-results. You can download and access this in the ‘View ERA Reports’ screen. You can download results for specific:

  • sessions
  • qualifications
  • subject groups
  • entry codes
  • component codes

The latest data will be available in ‘Download results’ but can take up to 24 hours to update. The data will show on all screens once all of the learner’s post-results reviews are complete for that qualification. We’ll also send you an outcome letter after a post-results review.

View subject results

See the average marks achieved for a subject as well as results from individual students. If you have active post-results review requests, you won’t always see the latest component marks for your learners here.

See marks analysis

View how individual students performed on specific topics and questions, where students achieved the most marks in the exam, and how this can inform your teaching for the coming year.

View students' results

See results for an individual student for a session, award, component or unit. If you have active post-results review requests, you won’t always see the latest component marks for your learners here.

Access grade overview

See how the grades achieved by your students compare to results and performance from the previous year and how the grades compare to grades achieved by other AQA schools and colleges.

Download results (student groups)

Create customised reports to support results analysis and to help to decide whether to request a post-results service.

Maintain student groups

Set up custom groups to compare results from different student groups.

When using ‘Maintain student groups’, you can select up to 10 groups to show at one time. After you've set up your groups, you’ll need to select the ‘use in graphs’ tick box.

To make sure the data is up to date, we'll synchronise the databases overnight and updated data will be available to use in ERA graphs from the following morning.

If you need to change your groups, you’ll need to choose the new ones and select the ‘use in graphs’ tick box – this will update within 24 hours.

You can also use ‘Download results’ to export your data into a spreadsheet.

How to use ERA

You can find training on how to use ERA tools on Centre Services by using our online learning platform, Learning Space.

To access Learning Space on Centre Services, you need to:

  1. Log in to Centre Services
  2. Click on the ‘Centre Services training’ link on the welcome page.

Your exams officer will have the log in details for the online learning platform for your school or college.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns, please email eos@aqa.org.uk or call us on 0800 197 7162.