Professional Development
Learning opportunities and training designed to enhance skills and knowledge.
Online training quick-start guide
Booked an online training course? Get set up and ready to go.
Technology you will need to take part
- An email account to receive joining instructions from our third party provider INSET online. Please add to your safe senders list, otherwise the instructions may go to your spam or junk folder.
- A desktop or laptop computer with:
- a screen large enough to read text easily
- a reliable internet connection with download speed sufficient to stream short video clips
- an up-to-date web browser; we suggest Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome
- Adobe Connect and an Adobe plug-in; if you don’t have administration rights for the computer you will be using then ask your IT technician to install this for you
- speakers or headphones; a microphone is not needed.
What you need to do in advance
Our training provider INSET Online will email your joining instructions about 10 days in advance.
Access these instructions from the computer you will be using for the training at least two days before the session – click on the test and pre-event links in your email and follow the instructions on screen.
You should also install any routine updates on your computer at this this point, to avoid automated updates interrupting your training session.
What you need to do on the day
About 25 minutes before the scheduled start of the training, access your joining instructions email again and click on the link to the live online training.
Select the radio button on screen to enter as a guest, and then type in your name.
Make sure your computer sound is on and the volume at a comfortable level. Note there will be no sound until the scheduled start time.
Contact us
For general enquiries, please email: or phone: 0161 696 5994.
If you have any technical difficulties on the day of your training, please email: or phone: 01273 704461.