Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1key vocabulary related to the topicSummary sheet and/or student completed work

demonstrated the ability to

2state at least two things related to healthy or unhealthy living that they never do, eg 'I never eat vegetables'Summary sheet and/or student completed work
3use 'il faut' and/or the correct conjugation of 'devoir' to provide advice for at least two stated health problems, eg 'You should exercise more'Summary sheet and/or student completed work
4read a short text on the topic and answer at least two comprehension questions correctlySummary sheet and/or student completed work
5take part in a class discussion about the textSummary sheet
6write two questions to investigate their peers' health habits in a mini-surveyStudent completed work
7complete the survey, recording their peers' answers.Summary sheet and/or student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 30 May 2022Level - Level One