Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1how to write clearly and coherently, by writing short texts for at least three different audiences, eg letter, email, notice, leaflet, handoutStudent completed work
2how to present at least one piece of information in a logical sequenceStudent completed work
3how to use language, format and structure so that it is suitable for a given purpose and audienceStudent completed work
4how to use correct grammar, including correct and consistent use of tense, in own writingStudent completed work
5how to use generally accurate punctuation and spelling, and ensure meaning is clear, in own writingStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

6identify the main points and ideas and how they are presented in at least three different types of texts, eg leaflets, reports or short articlesStudent completed work
7read and understand each text in detailStudent completed work
8utilise at least three pieces of information contained in the textsStudent completed work
9identify at least one suitable response to a textStudent completed work
10make relevant and extended contributions to at least three discussions, allowing for and responding to others' inputSummary sheet
11prepare for and contribute to at least one formal discussion of ideas and opinionsSummary sheet
12make at least two different kinds of contributions to discussionsSummary sheet
13present at least one piece of information or point of view clearly and in appropriate language.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 10 December 2012Level - Level One