3.4 Optional application 2 – statistics

3.4.1 SA: Discrete random variables (DRVs) and expectation

SA1Understand DRVs with distributions given in the form of a table or function.
SA2Evaluate probabilities for a DRV.
SA3Evaluate measures of average and spread for a DRV to include mean, variance, standard deviation, mode and median.
SA4Understand expectation and know the formulae: EX=xipi ; EX2=xi2pi ; VarX=EX2-(EX)2
SA5Understand expectation of linear functions of DRVs and know the formulae: EaX+b=aEX+b and VaraX+b=a2Var(X)

Know the discrete uniform distribution defined on the set 1,2,,n . Understand when this distribution can be used as a model.

3.4.2 SB: Poisson distribution


Understand conditions for a Poisson distribution to model a situation. Understand terminology X~Po(λ) .

SB2Know the Poisson formula and calculate Poisson probabilities using the formula or equivalent calculator function.

Know mean, variance and standard deviation of a Poisson distribution.

Use the result that, if X~Poλ then the mean and variance of X are equal.

SB4Understand the distribution of the sum of independent Poisson distributions.

Formulate hypotheses and carry out a hypothesis test of a population mean from a single observation from a Poisson distribution using direct evaluation of Poisson probabilities.

3.4.3 SC: Type I and Type II errors

SC1Understand Type I and Type II errors and define in context. Calculate the probability of making a Type I error from tests based on a Poisson or Binomial distribution.

3.4.4 SD: Continuous random variables (CRVs)

SD1Understand and use a probability density function, f(x) , for a continuous distribution and understand the differences between discrete and continuous distributions.
SD2Find the probability of an observation lying in a specified interval.
SD3Find the median and quartiles for a given probability density function, f(x) .

Find the mean, variance and standard deviation for a given pdf, f(x) . Know the formulae

EX=xfxdx , EX2=x2fxdx , VarX=EX2-(EX)2


Understand the expectation and variance of linear functions of CRVs and know the formulae:

EaX+b=aEX+b and VaraX+b=a2Var(X)

Know the formula EgX=gxf(x)dx

Find the mean, variance and standard deviation of functions of a continuous random variable such as



Know that if X and Y are independent (discrete or continuous) random variables then EX+Y=EX+EY and VarX+Y=VarX+Var(Y)

3.4.5 SE: Chi squared tests for association

SE1Construction of n × m contingency tables.

Use of (Oi-Ei)2Ei as an approximate χ2 statistic with appropriate degrees of freedom.

SE3Know and use the convention that all Ei should be greater than 5.
SE4Identification of sources of association in the context of a question.

3.4.6 SH: Confidence intervals


Construct symmetric confidence intervals for the mean of a normal distribution with known variance.

SH2Construct symmetric confidence intervals from large samples, for the mean of a normal distribution with unknown variance.
SH3Make inferences from constructed or given confidence intervals.