ELC Mathematics Specification Specification for first teaching in 2015
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This qualification is linear. Linear means that students submit all components that form the assessment at the end of the course. Students should submit for assessment and moderation evidence from eight components as follows:
Each complete portfolio should contain eight components of work made up of between four and eight external assignments. Any remaining components should be made up of internally set classwork.
All components are internally assessed (teacher marked) and then moderated by AQA. Each component is marked out of 30, giving a total mark out of 240 for the whole portfolio.
Evidence for a minimum of four components out of the eight must be in response to an externally set assignment. AQA will set assignments for each of the eight components, with each assignment covering Entry 1, 2 and 3. Three versions of each assignment will be available to download via the secure area of the AQA website, e-AQA.
Evidence for a maximum of four components should be from class work which has been set and assessed by the teacher in response to the outcomes detailed in the Subject content part of this specification or from completion of the worksheets provided as additional resources by AQA. These outcomes cover work at Entry 1, 2 and 3. In some instances an Entry 3 outcome may subsume an Entry 1 and/or an Entry 2 outcome. In such cases, if the Entry 3 outcome is achieved, the subsumed outcomes can be credited as complete. Please see the Appendices part of this specification, for details of subsumed outcomes in each of the components.