This content aims to develop the student's understanding and interpretation of simple statistical diagrams.
Students will learn how to conduct simple surveys and then analyse and communicate their results. They will also learn to sort information according to set criteria.
3.8.1 Procedures for making and recording assessments
Class work assessed by the teacher in response to the outcomes in the table, or assessed by an externally set assignment.
3.8.2 Outcomes to be accredited
In successfully completing this component, students will have demonstrated the ability to: Entry 1
Outcomes | Notes/ examples | GCSE reference |
1.1 Sort and classify objects using a single criterion | Shaded/unshaded, round/not round etc | |
1.2 Interpret and draw conclusions from a list or group of objects | How many blue cars were there? Which colour was most popular ? | |
1.3 Construct and interpret simple line graphs | Including block graphs | S2 | Entry 2
Outcomes | Notes/ examples | GCSE reference |
2.1 Sort and classify objects using more than one criterion | | |
2.2 Collect information by survey | Ask 10 classmates what their favourite food is In external assessment the student will select the correct question to ask in a survey from a given list | |
2.3 Record results in lists, tally charts and tables | | S2 |
2.4 Construct and interpret pictograms where one picture represents one item | | S2 |
2.5 Interpret simple tables, diagrams, lists and graphs | Given a daily temperature graph for July, find the highest temperature that month | S2 | Entry 3
Outcomes | Notes/ examples | GCSE reference |
3.1 Construct and interpret bar charts with the vertical axis scaled in ones or twos | | S2 |
3.2 Construct and interpret pictograms where one picture represents more than one item | | S2 |
3.3 Extract numerical information from lists, tables, diagrams and charts | Including timetables, holiday brochures, sports results etc | S2 |
3.4 Complete a frequency table given the original list of results | | S2 |
3.5 Complete a tally chart and the resulting frequency table | | S2 |
3.6 Compare two or more diagrams | Given bar charts for attendances at two youth clubs for a week, Which youth club had more people on Monday? | S2 |
3.7 Solve one-step and two-step problems based on statistical information | Given daily temperature graphs for July and August, find how much higher the highest temperature was in July than in August | S2 |