Information for examiners and moderators

These pages are an introduction to the examining and moderating process.


CMI+ is software used for marking on-screen. After downloading the software you can access it from your PC and it requires an internet connection to function. Marking takes place question by question (called 'items'), rather than in whole scripts. You will be able to input marks and annotations or indicate that a question was not attempted.

After the exam day you will be sent a message to let you know that CMI+ is in training mode. This means you will be able to mark actual candidate responses within the system without any marks being recorded, so you familiarise yourself with the system and the mark scheme. You can then raise any queries with your team leader before completing standardisation.

Standardisation takes place outside of CMI+, either on the online standardisation (OLS) system or at a face-to-face meeting, as detailed on your contract

The standard of your marking on each question is checked by either seeding or double marking. The method applied to each question will make no difference to your marking.

Seeding is usually applied to shorter questions and involves being presented with pre-marked candidate responses at regular intervals.

Double marking is usually applied to longer questions and involves a proportion of candidate answers being marked by two examiners.

If your marking differs significantly from the standard you will be stopped from marking that question until your team leader can discuss the mark scheme with you.

Minimum PC Requirements

Processor type: 1GHz or better
RAM: 1GB or better
Operating system: Windows 10 or above
Display: 1024x768 pixels
Browser: Internet Explorer 8 or better
Free disk space: 4.5GB
Broadband speed: 2MB or better