Case study: St Peter's Church of England school

Jo Brophy, Inclusion and Engagement Lead at St Peter's Church of England school in Exeter, explains how she's using Unit Award Scheme (UAS) to great effect to create innovative, alternative pathways for students, maximising progress and achievement.

Why I chose UAS

I chose to introduce UAS to St. Peter's as I had worked with the scheme before, and I knew it would be a fantastic way of engaging and motivating students as well as promoting progress and success. The ‘can do’ approach of UAS is in keeping with the school's 'Principles of Hope' – an inclusive ethos that enables students to live life to the full.

My aim for introducing the scheme to our mainstream school was to create an innovative pathway for some of our students, provide alternative opportunities for them, and maximise the sense of progress, achievement, well-being, self-esteem and belonging for some of the young people in school who were struggling – UAS fits this objective perfectly.

Over this past year, UAS has given students the knowledge to succeed, boosted self-confidence towards exams and given motivation for next steps and post-16 choices.

Units taught at St Peter's school

I deliver student-centred tailored packages consisting of curriculum-based lessons, identified areas of life skills, student-led activities, as well as post-16 and work-related tasks. Students are completing units in self-discovery, employability, PSHE and wellbeing, as well as preparation for life after school and for the working world.

I also deliver the GCSE English Language suite of mapped units to my year 11 English class. These units have been so successful in enabling the students to grasp the skills needed as well as be awarded along the way.

To find out more about some of the units we use at St. Peter's, see the list below.

    Benefits of UAS

    There are so many benefits to UAS, and the scheme is supporting our school in so many ways.

    Better attendance, engagement and self-confidence

    The learner benefits are significant. For example, we have seen a dramatic rise in attendance, engagement in lessons, improved behaviour, and progress. The students are so proud of themselves for completing the units and when the awards arrive their faces say it all. As a reward for their hard work, we have bought glossy new presentation folders for students to display the awards. These can also be used for their GCSEs and any future college certificates/qualifications.

    I really enjoy my English lessons and achieving the AQA Awards. They really help me build my confidence in my GCSE English learning as I'm achieving as I'm doing it. Doing the Unit Awards also helps me to break down my work and understand it. I don't feel I'm struggling as much, and I really enjoy them when they arrive with my name on.– feedback from a GCSE English student at St Peter's school

    A rise in motivation

    In addition to better attendance and engagement, we also have seen a huge increase in motivation. For example, students are very keen to complete work-related and post-16 units to show colleges their willingness to prepare.

    One student remarked: "I have never received a certificate for anything and now I have completed over 14 AQA Unit Awards which I am really proud of. I took my folder to my college interview, and they were so impressed."

    What’s more, attainment and progress can be seen in lessons and across subjects due to an increase in motivation.

    Varied and personalised units

    With so many units to choose from, there is a topic for everyone. Also, with the different levels, it means that every student can be involved, no matter their ability level, and succeed in the same lesson as their peers. It also means we are able to meet the needs of every individual learner and ensure each young person will make measured progress, see personal success, and bring around positive change.

    In addition, by delivering a personalised program of units, we are able to instil the importance of self-worth in our young people and provide them with strategies that allow them to reintegrate and cope within mainstream education, as well as their life outside school and beyond.

    Celebrating success

    Our students are beyond excited to have been selected to take part in UAS and to achieve so well. To celebrate their success, we are hosting our first UAS celebration afternoon, where students will be formally congratulated by our head teacher at St. Peter's. With lots of cake, it’s a lovely way to recognise the students before they embark on exams.

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