ELC Science Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016
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Accrediting the achievement of individual Entry Level Certificate components through the AQA Unit Award Scheme (UAS)
What is the UAS?
The UAS allows students to receive formal recognition for each individual component completed as they progress through the Entry Level Certificate course. It is a recording of achievement scheme, not a qualification, and has been in operation since 1984.
In recognising these smaller steps of achievement, UAS encourages and motivates students for whom the final award of an Entry Level Certificate may seem a distant goal. Also, for those students who cannot, for whatever reason, complete the required number of units to be entered for the qualification, they can receive formal recognition for each unit completed.
What UAS certification is offered?
Each time a student completes a component, they can have this achievement recognised through the issue of a UAS certificate called a Unit Award Statement.
This statement shows all the skills, abilities, knowledge and understanding that have been achieved by the student, together with any experiences, but does not show a level. Statements are issued promptly after the student has completed a unit and this can happen at any time of year.
How do UAS and ELC requirements differ for the student?
To receive accreditation for completion of a unit with UAS, a student must show achievement of all outcomes in that unit. This may be different from the requirement for the Entry Level Certificate, where students may not need to provide evidence for all outcomes, but are encouraged to complete as much as possible, thereby enabling them to reach a moderated level of Entry 1, Entry 2 or Entry 3.
Some Entry Level specifications require the completion of externally-set tasks. For UAS, these assignments do not have to be completed although such evidence may be submitted as part of the other evidence required for a unit. In summary, with UAS, provided there is evidence that all outcomes have been achieved, the unit will be awarded.
What about UAS registration?
Schools and colleges wishing to use UAS must be registered specifically for UAS, and this is a separate registration process from that required for the Entry Level Certificate. You may choose to register students for:Schools can join UAS at any time and should contact the UAS department for further information about joining, costs and how to use UAS.
There is more information on the UAS website aqa.org.uk/uas
AQA Unit Award Scheme, 31–33 Springfield Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 2HW
T: 01423 534 323