3.1 Section A

Understand the importance of the careful planning of a clear strategy for collecting, recording and processing data in order to address an identified question or hypothesis.

3.1.1 A1

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Know that a hypothesis can only be tested through the appropriate collection and analysis of data.


Notes: formal use of null hypothesis will not be required.

3.1.2 A2

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Know the constraints that may be faced in designing an investigation to test a hypothesis: these may include factors such as time, costs, ethical issues, confidentiality and convenience etc.


3.1.3 A3

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Determine proactive strategies to mitigate issues that might arise during the statistical enquiry process. For example, dealing with difficulties in identifying the population, non-response issues or unexpected outcomes.


Notes: students will be expected to be familiar with issues that arise in the collection of real data and how these issues could be prevented or have their effect minimised.