Appendix 2: prior knowledge

Integers, fractions, decimals and percentages

  • Work interchangeably with terminating decimals and their corresponding fractions (such as 3.5 and 72 or 0.375 and 38 ). Recognise that some fractions can be written as recurring decimals.
  • Identify and work with fractions in ratio problems.
  • Interpret fractions and percentages as operators.

Structure and calculation

  • Order positive integers, decimals and fractions.
  • Understand and use the symbols =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥
  • Apply the four operations to integers, decimals and simple fractions (proper and improper), and mixed numbers.
  • Understand and use place value (eg when working with very large or very small numbers, and when calculating with decimals).
  • Understand and use standard form.
  • Recognise and use relationships between operations, including inverse operations eg cancellation to simplify calculations and expressions; use conventional notation for priority of operations, including brackets, powers, roots and reciprocals.
  • Substitute numerical values into formulae and expressions, including scientific formulae.
  • Understand and use standard mathematical formulae; rearrange formulae to change the subject.
  • Work with coordinates on Cartesian grid.

Measures and accuracy

  • Use standard units of mass, length, time, money and other measures (including standard compound measures) using decimal quantities where appropriate.
  • Estimate answers; check calculations using approximation and estimation, including answers obtained using technology.
  • Use compound units such as speed, rates of pay, unit pricing.
  • Round numbers and measures to an appropriate degree of accuracy (eg to a specified number of decimal places or significant figures); use inequality notation to specify simple error intervals due to truncation or rounding.

Ratio, proportion and rates of change

  • Express one quantity as a fraction of another, where the fraction is less than 1 or greater than 1.
  • Use ratio notation, including reduction to simplest form.
  • Divide a given quantity into two parts in a given part: part or part: whole ratio; express the division of a quantity into two parts as a ratio; apply ratio to real contexts and problems (such as those involving probability).
  • Relate ratios to fractions and vice versa.
  • Define percentage as ‘number of parts per hundred’; interpret percentages and percentage changes as a fraction or a decimal, and interpret these multiplicatively; express one quantity as a percentage of another; compare two quantities using percentages.
  • Understand and use the general equation of a straight line y=mx+c  where c is the intercept with the y- axis and m=(y1-y2)(x1-x2)