About Us
Helping students and teachers to realise their potential
Customer service standards
We provide a quality, cost effective service, complying with official codes of practice and focusing on efficient systems and effective communications.
We offer timely:
- delivery of question papers, statements of entry, results and certificates
- dispatch of publications
- responses to enquiries (acknowledgment within five working days)
- results query responses (generally 30 days but 18 days for Priority Service 2 and 40 days for remoderation)
- processing for supplier invoices
- processing for examiner claim forms (within 30 days)
- responses to queries through the Standing Joint Committee and teacher associations.
- communicate with our stakeholders and customers in plain English
- identify ourselves by name and department when you call
- consult our stakeholders on how we can improve our products and services
- offer as much information as possible at aqa.org.uk
- publish free, comprehensive support and administration documents
- publish details of our fees and charges at aqa.org.uk
- run free teacher support, coursework and portfolio meetings
- provide past exam papers, mark schemes, examiners’ reports and portfolio/coursework feedback free of charge.
Helping us to help you
If you have a query or some feedback, please contact your Regional Manager. See aqa.org.uk/eosupport for contact details.
We investigate complaints:
- about our products and services
- should you have a less than satisfactory experience on contacting us.
For further details see: aqa.org.uk/complaints