About Us
Helping students and teachers to realise their potential
Quality of assessment
It’s important that our assessments are valid, reliable and fair. This means assessing the right thing in the right way, with consistent outcomes for students of the same ability.
Our researchers work closely with subject matter experts to ensure that our exam papers can assess students’ knowledge and skills as accurately as possible.
Our research
Working with assessment experts, teachers and policy makers, ensures that our findings can be put into practice effectively. Examples of our collaborative working include:
- investigating ways to improve practical science teaching and assessment
- considering validity in terms of alignment between assessment and the curriculum
- exploring how to fairly reward students’ performances
- analysing how to assess the relative difficulty of optional questions that students may choose
- reflecting on the changing face of assessment research.
Related resources
Find out more about our latest research focus and the work we’re doing to address key current factors:
- read our most recent blog post
- discover more within our research library
- listen to Craig Barton speak to Ruth Johnson about the strategies that might be considered for future exams in our Inside Exams podcast: What is the future of assessment?
Contact our team
Email: research@aqa.org.uk
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Work with us to advance education and enable students and teachers to reach their potential.