About Us
Helping students and teachers to realise their potential
AQA in numbers
1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020
Setting papers
We set the papers for more than half of all GCSEs and A-levels
Taking exams
More than 1 million students sat our qualifications
Awarding qualifications
We awarded almost 3 million GCSEs
Popular papers
More than half a million students took our most popular GCSE - English Language
Exam support
Around 30,000 academics, teachers, lecturers and subject experts helped us set and mark our exams
Internationally recognised
Our UK qualifications are internationally recognised and are taught in around 40 countries
Exam papers
We developed almost 900 different exam papers
Marking exams
We marked more than 10 million exam papers
Electronic marking
We scanned 6.8 million exam papers for electronic marking
Exampro and Testbase question banks have been used in primary and secondary schools throughout the country for more than 20 years. Exampro provides teachers with easy access to AQA past questions and ready-made resources for use in schools-based assessment.
Question banks
Almost 50 question banks are available to use in Exampro and Testbase
Individual questions
More than 90,000 individual questions available for download
Teacher compilations
At least 2.3 million teacher compilations in our online libraries