Exams Administration

Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.

AQA Baccalaureate explanation of results

The AQA Baccalaureate is founded on A-levels with the following additional elements providing broader academic and life-skills education:

Broader study

  • One AS level from a choice of subjects (Citizenship, Critical Thinking, General Studies (A or B), Science in Society or World Development (WJEC)) to develop analytical thinking and learning skills.

Enrichment activities

  • Formal recognition of non-academic pursuits that develop valuable skills and qualities, such as initiative, teamwork and leadership. At least 100 hours must be completed in at least two of the three core areas: work-related learning, community participation and personal development.

Depth of study

  • Any three A-level subjects, to provide in-depth academic study and to test knowledge, understanding and application. Where more than three have been achieved, the three best grades contribute.
  • From 2009 - Extended project qualification (EPQ) Development of independent learning, self-managing and research ability through completion of an extended project

AQA Baccalaureate award

The AQA Baccalaureate is awarded with a Pass, Merit or Distinction; the level is determined by the student's A-level and, from 2009, EPQ grades. Distinction is the higher.


  • Broader study (AS level): pass (grade E or above)
  • Enrichment activities: pass
  • Depth of study (three A-levels) all at grade E or above* (From 2009 EPQ: grade E or above)


  • Broader study (AS level): pass (grade E or above)
  • Enrichment activities: pass
  • Depth of study (three A-levels) all at grade C or above* (From 2009 EPQ grade C or above)


  • Broader study (AS level) pass (grade E or above)
  • Enrichment activities pass
  • Depth of study (three A-levels) all at grade A or above* (From 2009 EPQ grade A or above)

*AQA Baccalaureate award 2008

The EPQ was not a part of the AQA Baccalaureate award – otherwise the level awarded for the AQA Baccalaureate (Pass, Merit or Distinction) was determined as above.