Exams Administration

Information and resources for exams officers to plan ahead and stay on track throughout the whole exams lifecycle, from entries to results day.

FCSE explanation of results

Explanation of results

Level 1 Certificate (FCSE)

The Foundation Certificate of Secondary Education (FCSE) awards are reported on a three point scale which corresponds to the National Curriculum levels 4, 5 and 6.

Achievement is reported as one of Pass (level 4), Merit (level 5) and Distinction (level 6), of which Distinction is the highest.

A Distinction (level 6) equates to the performance table points of a full-course grade D GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

Short courses

The short course is designed to cover half the specification skills of the corresponding full FCSE subject course of study and the same grading standards are applied. The FCSE (short course) is, therefore, broadly equivalent to half the corresponding full FCSE.

Explanation of results symbols

+ The student was exempt from satisfying the full range of assessment objectives in this subject. Details may be obtained from AQA.

# The student was absent from part of the exam in this subject and was awarded zero marks in this part. The grade was awarded on the components actually taken.